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 Price list

What do we offer YOU in a post 'Plus Tax' era?!

Prices that make dollars and sense!


Lets go halfzies! Price list for 1/2 acre lot option:

One 1/2 acre lot 1/2 mile from the road or more is $280 per month and includes access to our water source use. *Recommended for self contained vehicles and outdoorsman/woman who can facilitate off grid living properly and indipendently.

Acting a full? Price list for a FULL off Grid Completed Tiny Home Package:

The SOLO: One person full time resident. Tenant/sublet restrictions apply. One room loftless Cabins entirely off grid w/ rainwater and water access, solar electric, 1 propane exchange per month, wood burning stove and access to wood.....$395 monthly *A Fully furnished unit has a $175 non refundable deposit.


The Couplatti: Two person full time occupnacy. Tenant/sublet restrictions apply. One room loftless Cabins entirely off grid w/ rainwater and water access, solar electric, 1 propane exchange per month, wood burning stove and access to wood.....$575 monthly *Fully furnished unit has a $300 non refundable deposit.


THE Famtastic: Up to 5 people of any age. Tenant/sublet restrictions apply. One room with 2 lofts Cabin entirely off grid w/ rainwater and water access, solar electric, 1 propane exchange per month, wood burning stove and access to wood.....$795 *Fully furnished unit has a $500 non refundable deposit.


***ALL above packages MUST be prepaid and are custom orders that require a minimum of 5 weeks preperation.***

Ready or NOT? Stay-A-Day price list:
$19 a day gets you a place to stay, and use our pond, composting toilettes are ONLY $50 for our guests, and solar electric charging station is availble for $1 an hour.
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